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Feeling Alone in STEM

By Ariana Bui

With the current issue of diversity in STEM, there are many who might feel a lack of belonging. They might feel alone in their pursuits and as a result less confident in themselves. Unfortunately, these feelings have led many bright students to become discouraged from STEM. The unCommission aims to prevent young people from feeling this way by helping them find a sense of community.

The unCommission highlights stories of those who have previously been systemically excluded from STEM and statistically underrepresented. They include mainly stories coming from Black, Latinx, and Native American individuals. In general, however, the platform elevates the voices of young people from across the nation ages 13-29 and allows them to share their real experiences with STEM and identify their goals for the future of STEM learning and opportunity.

The stories offer many unique perspectives and reveal many important themes and patterns related to STEM education. With over a hundred different stories available on their website (The unCommssion), one can easily find a story relevant to themselves.

For instance, those who feel alone in STEM might resonate with Bradley’s story. As a minority in his STEM classes, Bradley used to feel isolated in his pursuits. Those with similar experiences may feel relieved to hear from another with a similar struggle and be inspired by his hopes to empower and encourage other kids in his situation.

“Being the only black child in my math class in particular was extremely isolating. I was ahead a subject in math, and I remember distinctively being asked if I was in the right room every start of the semester, whether by students, or by the teacher, or both. It was so hard being the only black student, not having anyone to relate to me or my unique experience…”

Brianna’s story illustrates a pragmatic reality and deals with the important topic of mental health. Her story is reassuring in that it highlights it is ok to feel overwhelmed. Those who are struggling may relate to her story and find solace in it.

“... I do plan on getting back in the classroom, but I am scarred from my first year teaching high school math and am taking some well needed time away from it for now.”

Readers of Marissa’s story can learn about the importance of perseverance and hard work in STEM. In middle school, her teacher taught her a valuable lesson about being willing to put in the work to achieve one’s goals, and Marissa shares that story with us to learn from.

“... I was confused at first because I knew I wasn’t doing well in his class, but he turned to me and said, “All I ask is for my students to do their best, math is hard, and learning to figure out problems comes with time, but only if you are willing to put in the effort.”

Overall, I want to bring attention to The unCommission to highlight it as a resource for those who would like to hear from others. There are many interesting stories showcased, and by hearing them, hopefully it will help some feel less alone. I think it's great how the site gives comfort to those looking for a sense of belonging while simultaneously giving a voice to those who may have previously felt unheard. I would highly recommend checking it out on The unCommission's Website.

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