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Mental Health Month and Community

By Ali Roberts

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has chosen “Together for Mental Health” as the message for 2022. [Url to hyperlink:] NAMI encourages us to focus on support and awareness together while recognizing the value in a sense of community for mental health support.

As the academic year draws to a close, I have been reflecting on the last 9 months and what they have brought forward for many of us. The transition back to in-person events, classes, and gatherings has been complex; I have personally experienced great joy, anxiety, relief, stress, and excitement after so many months of isolation. My message for anyone reading this is to be kind and compassionate with yourself. We have experienced a lot as a collective in addition to our individual personal challenges.

For those at ASU, here is a resource page for mental health support through the university. [Url to hyperlink:] The National Institute of Mental Health also provides information for finding support here. [Url to hyperlink:]

If reaching out to a stranger seems overwhelming, see if someone you trust can help you initiate contact with a therapist or other resource. It’s crucial for us to support each other and communicate as we move forward in our work towards liberation and love, while also recognizing that those closest to us may not be able to provide what a trained therapist can. I am wishing everyone a May that contains what you need most to feel rested, inspired, supported, and encouraged.

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